- Step 1
Before starting your online application, please make sure you have working eMail address.The eMail is required to authorize you access the online application form.
- Step 2
Please scan the originals of the following documents in PDF format and save them in your computer or an external drive. a. Birth Certificate/Passport/Driver’s license/National identification card b. Passport Photo c. S6 result with Two Principal Pass d. Application processing fee bank slipe. Other certificates/diplomas/degrees
- Step 3
Visit the college website at: https://www.eacc.ac.rw to complete your application and get more information abot the institution
- Step 4
NOTE: You need a working email with a known password as all correspondences will be communicated to you through your email
- Step 5
At the top menu, click on the Apply Now command to access entry requirements. Make sure you have the entry requirements for the programme you wish to apply for.
- Step 6
After reading the entry requirements, click Apply Now button to access the Student Management Portal and enter the 20 digits pin in the authorization field and click submit. In the personal information form that opens, input the required information and click the Save & Continue button.
- Step 7
A One-time password (OTP) notification will be sent to your email to verify the email account. Input the OTP in the blank space and click the Save & Continue button.
- Step 8
The details of your registration will be sent to your email. At this point, you can save your uncompleted application and use the registration details to complete later.